#British literature

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The New York Review of Books
3 months ago

Ducks in the Drawing Room | Je Wilson

Barbara Comyns, a relatively obscure British author in her time, has experienced a revival of interest in recent decades.
Comyns' unique writing style and outsider perspective make her work feel like discovering hidden treasure. [ more ]
4 months ago

On the Skewering of Self-Promoters Who are Filled with Misplaced Self-Importance - emptywheel

Satirists hold up a mirror to those who try to present themselves as better than they are.
Robert Burns is a celebrated satirist and poet. [ more ]
5 months ago

Five of the best romance books of 2023

Sophie Kinsella's 'The Burnout' is a funny and well-plotted book with a coastal town setting that adds a bittersweet quality to the story of young people's anxiety and love.
Rebecca Yarros' 'Iron Flame' is a highly anticipated book in the Empyrean Series, which is compared to Harry Potter and the Hunger Games and has generated a lot of excitement.
Cecilia Rabess' 'Everything's Fine' is a controversial but addictive and funny romance that deals with race and politics, sparking a social media storm over the portrayal of racial inequality.
Jilly Cooper's 'Tackle!' offers her signature wit and features beloved characters like Rupert and horses, making it a quintessentially British read. [ more ]
6 months ago

A.S. Byatt dies at 87; award-winning author wrote best-seller Possession'

British author A.S. Byatt, known for her Booker Prize-winning novel Possession, has died at the age of 87.
Byatt wrote two dozen books and her work was translated into 38 languages.
Possession, her most famous novel, was adapted into a successful film in 2002. [ more ]
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